torsdag 21 augusti 2008

Hi and Welcome!

The Main Idea with this Blog is:

1. Show you how to Make Money

2. Get leads, members Business partners

3. Use Techniques and a Simple Formula

4. Build a Business System to Make More


STOP Surfing and Advertising NOW!

If you not have this in Place

The Money is in the List!


I use This Simple Formula:

Use Squeze, LCP Pages like this!

Advertise in Traffic Exchanges/Safelists/Google Ads

Track your Advertising Results

Ad People to MSN/Skype/Yahoo

Automate The Business with Autoresponders

1. Primary Business and a Starting list:

It took me more then 1 year to chose my primary business. I took a non MLM, Matrix one. No selling, only give away free memberships. How to get started? Do a (warm list) and ad all people you have on the messengers, Traffic exchanges, My Space, Forums and many many more places. Maybe a few of you say! ...oh...wait a minute!.. I don't want to take advantage or abuse my friends and I agree, that is the case in the most Online Businesses...

What is the different with DHS?

a) This is Free to join

b) They save money not spend. Why not save money on things you already Buy?

c) When they see that this works, they can start work as well. Dont push them!

d) They have 30 days money back Guarantee to try everything (V.I.P) They have nothing to lose!

2. Lead Capture System!

It doesn't matter what Business you are advertising... You need a Lead Capture system (LCP), pages like this
or you can use a squeeze page like this! I encourage all to build their own system but before you have your own system up and running, Use Affiliate Funnel! This is a great way to learn and get started.

3a. Traffic and Advertising!

What is a Traffic Exchange and How do you use Them

This is a List of the Best Traffic Exchanges and most responsive, consider 1 Year upgrade (most value). from $5-30/month and you get double even triple Credits for each Click. And 500 - 3000 credits/month. Banner Credits, text credits. Also 50% Commission on everything your referrals purchase.

3b. Safelists The Pro Way!

Safelists is also a great way to build your list. You need to know how to use them effective This great E-book explain it all, it will save you money and time. I guarantee this works very good and it's worth every penny...

4. Autoresponder

You should really have a form on every Squeezepage connected to your Autoresponder then send them pre written e-mail by auto. Explain your business, send warm up emails, how get them started. Explain how to use Traffic Exchanges, Safelists and Forums. Then send great product's. This way you will earn money when sleeping and get connected to interested people.

5. Create Your Own Squeeze page!
What is a Squeeze page? You give away something, ebook, newsletter, etc. Squeeze out Name and E-mail in exchange. Here is one example! and Here is another one! Never ever use a Affiliate page in a Traffic Exchange. Use your own or Affiliate Funnels Pages.

6. Track your Ads

This is a Pro Tracker! Which ad (banner, page..etc) works. Where does it works? What follow up email works best? Do split tests. (what email works where?)

Follow up, connect, talk to people:

Even if you Should Use Autoresponders... You need to Use Telephone, Skype, MSN or Yahoo, email, postcard. This is a Business People to People! This is more Important then all the rest when you start advertise!


STOP Surfing and Advertising NOW!

If you not have this in Place

The Money is in the List!


I Use This Simple Formula:

1. Use a Squeeze, LCP pages like THIS! or Like THIS! and create a few like THIS! and like THIS!

2. Put the pages on Traffic Exchanges/ Safelists/ Goggle ads, send to your warm list!

3. After they signed up, send a welcome Email and Ad Them to MSN/Skype/Yahoo

4. Explain the Business ...

7. This is a New Powerful Tool!

Do the Flash Header. You see it on my pages. You can do 3 for Free. Take the Code and place on your page.

8. Put Sound on your site!

Yes I know, I hate sound myself, when I surf and Pop ups, but they works very good lol!

9. Submit your pages to
Google, Yahoo and MSN this is to get better ranking and more sign ups

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