lördag 27 juni 2009

entrepreneurs must be Persistent in "online freelance work"

entrepreneurs must be Persistent in "online freelance work"
Video sent by stefanberg

http://stefan-berg-online-entrepreneur.com?t=video Stefan Berg Explain how he Became successful in his "online freelance work". It started a cold day in Sweden, we felt stuck in a society and a spinning wheel, We wanted to see the world. What work can give you an income and opportunity to be free to live wherever you want to be in the world!? Can you really be successful in an "online freelance work"? To get your "online freelance work" You need Support and follow up of customers are number one. We finally started to be successful in our "online freelance work" online! Instead of dreaming we now could live our dream, We are for the moment living in Borneo. Where we explore a fantastic nature, culture and a great climate! This a real option for you to have a "online freelance work" The big secret to success is: Persistence - Persistence - consistence http://stefan-berg-online-entrepreneur.com?t=video

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